I use mysqldump to dump my databases to file.
I then write these files to tape.

I was doing a test restore to a test server this weekend and found that
for my largest database, I cannot restore from this file.

I use mysql < backup.script

It runs for a long time and creates most of the tables, but eventually
comes up with a syntax error and stops processing the file.

I have two questions:
How do I get around this ? The error message is:

ERROR 1064 at line 78631: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 

This data is xml data stored in one of the fields. If mysqldump created
the syntax surely it should process back in correctly ? There's no way I
can edit 2GB of incorrect entries in order to correct them.

Secondly, how can I make the restore more fault tolerant ? If one call
fails to continue with the next one ?

Herbert Michael Kunzmann
Binary Chaos Magician

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