Sorry for was sending HTML. I didn't noticed it. My default was TEXT and now
I found ????HTML in the settings ... maybe because of international chars. I
turned it back to TEXT.


I installed MySQL 4.0.14 on a new Linux machine unde the form of two
servers: one master and one slave.
I met many unsynchronized events so it was appears conflicts from this late
of the changes from master to slave. I put the master-connect-retry to 2.
Now it seems to work clearly but I cannot see the master-connect-retry
variable with "show variables" command. Is this bad? Shall I have another
unsynchronized events in the future between master and slave?

I manually repaired each conflict or I did RESET MASTER/SLAVE to escape from
the errors' labirint.

I want to be sure on my replication. On Windows all worked fine!

Iulian Teodosiu,
Falticeni Municipality

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