At 9:25 -0400 7/30/03, Chad Day wrote:
my query:
SELECT  * FROM  `links` WHERE  MATCH ( KEYWORDS ) AGAINST (  'paper' );

I have a table with 4 records in it of links to various newspapers, paper
and newspaper are both in the keywords field.
The keywords field has a fulltext index on it.  Did I totally miss a step
somewhere?  The query doesn't error, I just get 0 results back.

Chad Day

If you have only four records in the table, it's very likey that you're running into the 50% rule. (Words that occur in at least half the records are considered too common and ignored.)

You can test this by inserting a few more records that don't contain
"paper".  Or you can use IN BOOLEAN MODE, which ignores the 50% rule.
(Available from MySQL 4.0.1 on.)

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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