
suppose you have a table with great number of columns (20 or 30),
and you would like to specify every one but two or tree columns in a SELECT statement.

Is there a way to specify only those two or tree columns for omission (which would be 
the 'short' way to do the job) instead of specifying every column that needed (which 
would be the 'long' way to do the job).


The 'TName' table header:

id | name | surname | dateOB | idSCHOOL | idCITY | idSTATE | sex | idParent1 | 
idParent2 | interests | weight | height | age | auditDate | idAudittor |  ....

You need every field except the 'dateOB' and 'idSCHOOL'

Ordinary select wold be:


It is too long expression, 
is there a way to specify only 'dateOB' and 'idSCHOOL' - the two column that are 
unwanted in the result set - in order to make the SELECT shorter? The SELECT should 
return every column but the specified ones.

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