Thanks to everyone that replied on and off list - off to the group by docs

On 8/28/03 5:09 PM, "William R. Mussatto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mike Morton said:
>> Hey y'all - I have been at this too long today - this is driving me
>> nuts!
>> Table:
>> Date (y-m-d),amount (decimal),dealercode
>> I am looking for a query that will give me the sum of each of the
>> distinct dealercodes for a specific date range.
>> Something to the effect of:
>> Select (distinct dealercode),sum(amount) as total where date between
>> 'this' and 'that'
>> The trouble that I am running into is that I cannot seem to get that
>> done in one query - splitting it up into 2 is easy enough - do the
>> distinct dealercode, then loop through those to do the sum between date
>> query - but ideally I would like to do it in one query. If this is
>> possible to do - how?
>> TIA!
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Mike Morton
>> ****************************************************
>> *
>> * Tel: 905-465-1263
>> *
>> ****************************************************
>> "Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of the
>> computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep up
>> with Apple."
>> - Byte Magazine
>> Given infinite time, 100 monkeys could type out the complete works of
>> Shakespeare. Win 98 source code? Eight monkeys, five minutes.
>> -- NullGrey
> Welcome to 'Group By'
> Table: Date (y-m-d),amount (decimal),dealercode
> select sum(amount),dealercode from table where date > 'date1' and date <
> 'date2' group by dealercode
> William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
> Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
> FAX. 909-608-7061


Mike Morton

* Tel: 905-465-1263

"Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of the
computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep up with
- Byte Magazine

Given infinite time, 100 monkeys could type out the complete works of
Shakespeare. Win 98 source code? Eight monkeys, five minutes.
-- NullGrey 

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