Hello, i´m running the Mysql 3.23.57 version with Suse 7.1, and i´m 
getting problems trying to add UDFs to my MySQL

 - In /mysql/sql/tipo.h i´ve declared this data type:
 typedef struct st_del {
  int empty;
  char *table;
  List<char *> keys;

 where List is included from the sql_list.h, also in this directory. 

  - In /mysql/client/get_update.cc, which is the file with the 
functionality i wanna add i do a #include <tipo.h> and declare a 
variable (BUFFER_DEL buf_del;), and then compile it like this

g++ -shared -I/mysql/sql -o get_update.so get_update.cc

but it gives me a compilation problem in the List<char *> line
referring to the first function in the sql_list.cc which i didn´t
Can anyone help me, please?

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