I didn't have the fortitude to populate the tables with data, so I don't
know if this will work for you, but to use explicit joins try something like
the sample below. (Note that I don't like to type as much as you do:-)

select distinct IE.title, FP.LastName, FP.FirstName
from InstitutionEmployment IE
left join FacultyPerson FP on IE.FacultyMember=FP.FacultyPersonID
left join (TenureDescription TD
inner join TenureType TT on TD.Tenure_Status=TT.TenureTypeID)
on IE.Tenure=TD.TenureDescriptionID
where IE.Department = '$dept'
and FP.LastName like '%".$lname."%'
and FP.FirstName like '%".$fname."%'
and IE.Rank = '$rank'
and TD.Tenure_Status like '$tenure'
order by FP.FirstName;

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 1:29 AM
Subject: Newbies asking help with LEFT JOIN


I'm working on a faculty system and currently I'm building a search which
allows users to generate a list of faculty withint a department based on
their first name, last name, rank, and tenure status. I could do it without
the tenure status criteria however I can't get it work if the tenure status
is included in the query.

Rank field on the search page is generated by using the Rank table while the
Tenure Status field on the search page is generated by using the TenureType

Structure of 4 tables used in the query:


FacultyPersonID tinyint(4) unsigned   PRI   auto_increment
FirstName varchar(25)
LastName varchar(25)


EmploymentID  int(11)   No    auto_increment
FacultyMember  int(11)
Department  int(11)
Rank  int(11)
Title  varchar(50)
Tenure  int(11)
(FacultyMember=FacultyPerson.FacultyPersonID and


TenureDescriptionID  int(11)
FacultyMember  int(11)
Tenure_Status  int(11)
Award_Date date


TenureTypeID  int(11)
Tenure_Type  varchar(25)

Provided that dept exists and all 4(first name, last name, rank, and tenure
status) criteria have been entered, my query is:

SELECT DISTINCT InstitutionEmployment.Title, FacultyPerson.LastName,
FacultyPerson.FirstName from InstitutionEmployment, FacultyPerson,
TenureDescription, TenureType where InstitutionEmployment.Department='$dept'
AND FacultyPerson.FacultyPersonID=InstitutionEmployment.FacultyMember AND
InstitutionEmployment.Tenure=TenureDescription.TenureDescriptionID AND
TenureDescription.Tenure_Status=TenureType.TenureTypeID AND
FacultyPerson.LastName LIKE '%".$lname."%' AND FacultyPerson.FirstName LIKE
'%".$fname."%' AND InstitutionEmployment.Rank='$rank' AND
TenureDescription.Tenure_Status='$tenure' ORDER BY FacultyPerson.FirstName;

It seemed that my query returns results without verifying the tenure status
criteria at all. I think my logic is right but it doesn't work. With the
complexity of the query, I don't know how to 1) make it work and 2) make it
work using LEFT JOIN.

Any help is highly appreciated.




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