Why do I get a permission denied when I try to execute the following SQL statement via 
ODBC 3.51?

    UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = Password('Blank') WHERE user = 'sdaf'

I can execute the statement from a tool such as SQLYog (logged in as 'myAdmin').

The error I get is:

  DIAG [S1000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-3.23.36]select command denied to user: 
'myAdmin@<ip address>' for column 'user' in table 'user' (1143) 

The user has the following privileges (to the mysql database):

User:  No Global Privileges
Db (mysql):  No Database wide privileges
Table Privilege to User table in mysql Db:  SELECT
Column Privileges to User column in User table in mysql Db:  SELECT
Column Privileges to Password column in User table in mysql Db:  SELECT, UPDATE

I am doing this to allow an application "administrator" to reset user passwords using 
my application.


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