That's because the browser doesn't read the line breaks without a <br /> tag at the end. All you need to do is this:


echo nl2br($textarea);


nl4br(); will insert a <br /> tag after every new line so your browser can display it correctly.

On Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 11:07 PM, delz wrote:

Hi All,

I'm using mysql and php but I'm having problems printing my output using a
browser. It's like this, i have a form and it has a text area that has the
following contents:

Hello World.
Hello World.
Hello World.

What happens is when I output the content using the php command echo,
i.e.  <?php echo "$textarea";?>

the output is like this on the browser :

Hello World.Hello World. Hello World.

Its printing the output in one straight line.

Are there any command other than "echo" that can output the same format as
that given on the text area. Please help.



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