Director General: NEFACOMP wrote:

To me, I think that is a bug and should be reported to MySQL. When the IF
condition is false, it should break the rest of the statement.

Exactly what I thought :-)

and Antony Dovgal responded:

For me this is not a bug, just poorly documented feature.
So, Hassan can't do it using this statement, he needs to check
> if table exists and then INSERT, cause the statement he's trying
> to use is not intended for conditional INSERT, but for conditional

Bummer. It still seems like a bug to allow *one part* of a compound
statement to succeed when another part fails, but ...

BTW, thanks for the suggestion --
1. Create the table if it does not exist.
2. Insert data if that will not create duplicates.
- but the problem is:

The table must be populated one time *only* per session; subsequent
page loads delete records of products already displayed.

So back to the drawing board, I guess. :-)

Thanks again,
Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream. code.

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