
Yea, you can enable root or just use sudo. Sometimes sudo'ing can be a pain
with the timeout and all.

Anyway, at first blush I agree with you. When you installed mysql did you
give mysql (or whatever account that runs MySQL) rights to the
/usr/local/mysql/data directory? Make root the owner of the MySQL directory
and place the directory under mysql (or whatever account that runs MySQL)
group permissions?

Assuming you're running MySQL as user 'mysql' in group 'mysql'.

Do the following:

chown -R root /usr/local/mysql
chgrp -R mysql /usr/local/mysql
chwon -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data

Then try "mysqld_safe --user=mysql &" from the /usr/local/mysql directory.

Got to run to lunch. Be back in about 45 min.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 12:21 PM
To: Fortuno, Adam
Subject: RE: Installation problem


Well, you were right about there being logs :) (I hadn't looked into the
data dir since it required root and I was reluctant to setup a root
user--live and learn.)

031009 11:12:10  mysqld started
031009 11:12:11  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file
InnoDB: See http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'create'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
031009 11:12:11  mysqld ended

Presumably this is due to the permissions on the data dir which are set to

What's the best way to solve this? Change the directory permissions or
change the characteristics of the mysql user?


-----Original Message-----
From: Fortuno, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:53 AM
To: Anderson, James H [IT]
Subject: RE: Installation problem


Yea, I have to agree its not starting.

Alright, you're probably already in the /usr/local/mysql or you would've
seen a nasty message reminding you to execute the mysqld_safe script from
mysql's directory. Ugh, (whatelse could it be).. if your running OS X
Server.. the scripts name is mysql_safed not mysqld_safe. If it were that
you'd probably get a script doesn't exist or something. If you were running
as something other than root, you'd get a permission error.


Well back to your earlier question. Yes, MySQL's got a bunch of logs. Take a
look in the /usr/local/mysql/data/ directory. Look for a file named
"<hostname>.err". That log gets input from the mysqld_safe script.

This is an interesting problem! I'm running 4.0.13-standard on my laptop;
however, I'll throw 4.0.15 on a spare G4. Let me see if I can recreate the
issue, and if not, I can tell you what I've done not to get it - make sense?

Take a look at the error log and let us know what is says.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:15 AM
To: Fortuno, Adam
Subject: RE: Installation problem


Yes, that's how I'm starting it. There are 2 reasons that lead me to believe
that it's not running:

1. when I issue "mysql -h localhost test" I get this msg:
        ERROR 2002: Can' connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)

2. when I issue "ps -auxww|grep mysql" I get no results other than the grep

Just to be sure, I did this:

        su (to root)
        mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

and got there msgs:

        Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
        mysqld ended

-----Original Message-----
From: Fortuno, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 10:54 AM
To: Anderson, James H [IT]
Subject: RE: Installation problem


Hey James! I'm also running MySQL on OS X. Maybe I can lend a hand. First
question, are you running this on an X-Serve?

So you're doing the following 

# (1) Going to the mysql directory.
cd /usr/local/mysql

# (2) Kicking off mysql using the mysqld_safe script.
sudo -v
<enter password>
sudo mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

However, from looking at the output you pasted. It doesn't look like MySQL
isn't starting up (nothing about the daemon shutting down). How are you
seeing its not up?

Use the ampersand at the end of the line or you'll lose the terminal
session. Once you've kicked off mysql type "mysqladmin version" to confirm
the server is online. If you downloaded the absolute most recent version,
you should see the result "4.0.15-standard" (or something like it). 

Drop me a note. Let me know the 411.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, James H [IT] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: Installation problem

I'm running OS X 10.2.8 and installed the latest OS X mysql package. The
problem is the server won't start and there don't seem to be any logs
available to help diagnose the problem. I've tried both

        sudo safe_mysqld
                Starting mysqld daemon with databases from

        sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQL start
                Starting MySQL database server

Any help greatly appreciated!


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