
Im writing a db software using delphi7 & mysql(3.23.41) (with standard dbexpress and 
data access components)

The problem is: sometimes i get the error message "unable to execute query", and  the 
connection breaks.
i only saw this occur on UPDATEs or INSERTs, but every time a different line in the 
code, which otherwise executes ok.
If i use an xception handler, reconnect manually and execute the statement again it 
works fine, but it would be important to know whats causing this.
I can invoke this error by executing updates or inserts repeatedly (needs about 30-50 
repeated command) but it also happens when i update only 1 field in 1 record.
Mysql logs show no error.
The connection between the server & clients is throught 10mbps lan, server runs on 
redhat 7.3, clients on windows machines.

unfortunately, this is extremely urgent 4 me, any help would be appreciated...

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