So, we just got this handy dandy new G5 with 4GB of RAM and I'm trying to get it to store as much of our 4.3GB database in RAM as possible. I've tuned most of the usual parameters (query cache, tmp table size, sort buffer, key buffer, record buffer, table cache, myisam sort buffer, etc.) but then I was reading the section of the manual about how mysql uses memory ( and it said this:

"Only the compressed ISAM / MyISAM tables are memory mapped. This is because the 32-bit memory space of 4 GB is not large enough for most big tables. When systems with a 64-bit address space become more common we may add general support for memory mapping."

I tried to find some more information about compressed ISAM / MyISAM tables. I found the options for CREATE TABLE to create a compressed table, but then I was reading about myisampack and I think I got confused. Can you still modify a compressed table? Or is it read only? Will it be mmap'd so the access is faster? Or is this configurable? If I could, I'd select a few of the tables to have stored in RAM to make the access as fast as possible. Can I do this?

Also, considering that 64 bit systems like the PowerMac G5 and Athlon64 FX boxes are readily available now, will there soon be an option to choose whether or not a table (of any type) can be maintained in RAM via mmap like the manual said?


- Gabriel

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