I wrote a quick PERL script to give me the status of a table of a
particular database or queries in general on a db server.
71     | 2958      |       System lock       |  e115   | messages   |
REPLACE INTO antispam (code) values ('521.25624894_50628.1066152283')
For 71 seconds show full processlist is reporting that the database
messages  and table antispam has a system lock for 71 seconds YET
skip-external-locking is on in my my.cnf file and  the command "show
variables" shows that skip external locking is on.
| skip_external_locking           | ON
What is going on? This same behavior has not been observed in 3.23.57.
Unfortunately it's not easy to downgrade a mysql server as I have it
setup in this environment. So, maybe this can be a fix forward with some
simple setting.
I also notice some long waiting for tables even though the table with
this status is not being flushed, altered etc.
- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.
  - http://friendfinder.com/go/p40688

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