* Tofu Optimist
> Three questions from a Mysql newcomer....
> Syntax question:
> Can a table in database A have a foreign key
> relationship with a table in database B? (both INNODB,
> both with appropriate indexes, etc)

Yes, but I suspect that you really meant foreign key constraints?

Constraints must be within the same database, AFAIK.

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/InnoDB_foreign_key_constraints.html >

If you really meant relationship, you can join tables from different
databases using a db.table notation:

SELECT db1.table1,field1, db2.table2.field2
  FROM db1.table1, db2.table2
  WHERE db1.table1.id = db2.table2.fk_id

You can do this on any kind of table, not only InnoDB.

> Architecture question:
> What is the rule-of-thumb to use use multiple
> databases, rather than one huge database with many
> tables?  Is splitting one database into multiple
> databases just a way to organize data (eg I use
> folders and subfolders on my file system, not
> everything is at root) or are there performance /
> security / reliablity / backup / other issues?

All of the above. :)

The backup issue is important for MyIsam tables, because they are stored as
separate files in the database folder. This means you can do backups using
OS tools, like cp. InnoDb tables are stored in a few big files, you must
backup all data at once or use special tools to backup individual databases.

The performace issue relates to the filesystem, it's ability to handle many
files in the same directory.

The security issue: you can grant privileges on a database level, this is
useless if all tables are in the same database.

> System question:
> Mysql doesn't use transaction logs, does it?

There is the binary log, storing everything for replication, including

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Binary_log.html >

> How does one restore a mysql database if it crashes in
> the middle of a large operation?

Not sure what you mean...

I never take down the server, and it never crashes. :) Sometimes a table
gets corrupt. Then I try to REPAIR it:

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Repair.html >
<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/REPAIR_TABLE.html >

But this is only for MyIsam tables. I have no experience with InnoDB.

If the REPAIR fails, ie too much data is lost, the most recent backup is the
only rescue. The severity of this will depend on the table in question, a
perifer table can be reconstructed or accepted as incomplete, a central
table in a highly normalized structure can be fatal if it's lost, you may
need to restore the entire database, not only the corrupt table.


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