I am a new MySQL dba tuning a busy Apache/MySQL installation. I could do
with some advice from the gurus!
Here are some of the statistics for the last 24 hours:

 Com_admin_commands        978,760
What "Admin_Commands" does this include - at 11.3 per sec this is a

 Com_analyze               0
The indexes have not been analyzed at all: so the optimizer assumes no
data skew. How good is the optimizer: will having accurate stats cause
if to scan too much, or is it safe to assume that any stats are good
stats? Does everyone out there analyze their tables?

 Connections               536,998
So it is processing about 6.2 connections per second. Lots. It is
configured for a max of 700 connections, and generally has about 300
connection processes. My question is if it has a connection pool (from
apache) are these really new connections (i.e. start a new connection
process, allocate memory etc) - or is it efficiently re-using existing
connections from the pool  and just incrementing the counter?

  Sort_merge_passes         25
  Sort_range                57,128
  Sort_rows                 11,368,012
  Sort_scan                 126,770
The machine has a 1MB sort_buffer_size - which for 300-700 connections
is 300-700MB that I would prefer to use for the key_buffer. Is there
any wany I can tell from these stats that it is safe to reduce the

Ive got as much info as I can from newsgroups and the manual: but
tuning MySQL seems more like magic than science. Any comments much

(p.s. heres the full list of changes for 24 hours:
 Aborted_clients           11
 Aborted_connects          0
 Bytes_received            726,146,766
 Bytes_sent                3,574,227,784
 Com_admin_commands        978,760
 Com_alter_table           0
 Com_analyze               0
 Com_backup_table          0
 Com_begin                 0
 Com_change_db             1,510,345
 Com_change_master         0
 Com_check                 0
 Com_commit                1,787
 Com_create_db             0
 Com_create_function       0
 Com_create_index          0
 Com_create_table          0
 Com_delete                33,768
 Com_drop_db               0
 Com_drop_function         0
 Com_drop_index            0
 Com_drop_table            0
 Com_flush                 0
 Com_grant                 0
 Com_insert                164,361
 Com_insert_select         12
 Com_kill                  0
 Com_load                  0
 Com_load_master_table     0
 Com_lock_tables           0
 Com_optimize              0
 Com_purge                 0
 Com_rename_table          0
 Com_replace               20,631
 Com_replace_select        1
 Com_reset                 0
 Com_restore_table         0
 Com_revoke                0
 Com_rollback              0
 Com_select                5,780,420
 Com_set_option            103
 Com_show_binlogs          0
 Com_show_create           103
 Com_show_databases        0
 Com_show_fields           103
 Com_show_grants           0
 Com_show_keys             0
 Com_show_logs             0
 Com_show_master_status    0
 Com_show_open_tables      0
 Com_show_processlist      0
 Com_show_slave_status     0
 Com_show_status           4
 Com_show_innodb_status    0
 Com_show_tables           3
 Com_show_variables        0
 Com_slave_start           0
 Com_slave_stop            0
 Com_truncate              0
 Com_unlock_tables         0
 Com_update                895,584
 Connections               536,998
 Created_tmp_disk_tables   7,928
 Created_tmp_tables        57,552
 Created_tmp_files         50
 Delayed_insert_threads    0
 Delayed_errors            0
 Flush_commands            0
 Handler_delete            157,555
 Handler_read_first        19,825
 Handler_read_key          31,733,152
 Handler_read_next         1,109,099,218
 Handler_read_prev         0
 Handler_read_rnd          9,864,713
 Handler_read_rnd_next     -102,644,059
 Handler_update            3,657,710
 Handler_write             9,068,562
 Key_blocks_used           0
 Key_read_requests         123,092,508
 Key_reads                 1,090
 Key_write_requests        1,221,214
 Key_writes                470,310
 Max_used_connections      0
 Not_flushed_key_blocks    0
 Not_flushed_delayed_rows  0
 Open_tables               0
 Open_files                -1
 Open_streams              0
 Opened_tables             256
 Questions                 8,944,173
 Select_full_join          10,210
 Select_full_range_join    0
 Select_range              4,898
 Select_range_check        2
 Select_scan               1,629,106
 Slave_running             0
 Slave_open_temp_tables    0
 Slow_launch_threads       0
 Slow_queries              1
 Sort_merge_passes         25
 Sort_range                57,128
 Sort_rows                 11,368,012
 Sort_scan                 126,770
 Table_locks_immediate     7,149,531
 Table_locks_waited        136,276
 Threads_cached            0
 Threads_created           8,738
 Threads_connected         48
 Threads_running           1
 Uptime                    86,400

Many Thanks!
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