The table is currently only about 345MB, so it is not a file size limit.

In response to the other post, the only deletes in this table happen every
week or so when I'm cleaning the table out, so the corruption is not
happening with a delete.

-----Original Message-----
From: gerald_clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 2:04 PM
To: Jon Wagoner
Subject: Re: table gets corrupted often

Could it be getting larger than 2G on a filesystem with a 2G/file limit?

Jon Wagoner wrote:

>I have a table that tends to get corrupted and needs to be repaired every
>few days.  It is used for logging various messages in my web app.  The
>structure is:
>  log_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
>  log_type tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
>  when datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
>  msg text NOT NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (log_id)
>I am running MySQL 4.0.16 on a Red Hat 7.3 server.  There are about 200
>other tables in the database, and none of the rest have a problem.
>The table has about 200,000-300,000 records added daily, and is cleaned out
>every week or so.  I have tried dropping and recreating the table, but that
>does not seem to help.  The table is almost exclusively accessed by
>Any ideas why this particular table would be so unstable?

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