At 10:49 -0800 11/7/03, William R. Mussatto wrote:
Paul DuBois said:
At 15:29 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

I did try VARCHAR(16) BINARY and it still failed to INSERT in a NOT
 NULL column.

The encrypted string seems to be equivalent to the NULL value even
 though it visually looks like some kind of data.


Okay, I investigated this further and I believe I know the cause of the problem. The solution is to use a TINYBLOB NOT NULL rather than a VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL.

Here's what's going on:

 - The particular encrypted value you calculate ends with 0x20.  That is,
    the same value as a space character.
 - Trailing spaces are trimmed from values stored in VARCHAR columns. -
 That means when you retrieve the value, it's 15 bytes long, and is no
    longer a legal encrypted value.
 - AES_DECRYPT() returns NULL for illegal encrypted values.

 Can you instead use CHAR(16) instead of VARCHAR(16)? No, because
 the trailing space would still be trimmed *when the value is retrieved*,
 and you'd still get NULL from AES_DECRYPT().

 Use a TINYBLOB instead.  Trailing spaces won't be trimmed when the value
 is stored, or when it is retrieved.  AES_DECRYPT() will work.

 In general, you shouldn't try to use CHAR/VARCHAR for encrypted values
 or other forms of binary data. Use BLOB columns instead.

  Please reply to the list, not to me directly, so that others can
 follow this discussion.  Thanks.

At 14:54 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

Yes, I get the same, now try and decrypt it, it will turn out to be
 NULL. So, you cannot insert this into a NOT NULL column. It will
 reject it.

Your message (below) appears to be reporting a problem with AES_ENCRYPT(). It states that you get a NULL return value from that function.

You now appear to be saying something else.

I don't understand what problem you're trying to report.

My result from decryption:

  mysql> select AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',
  +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 AES_ENCRYPT('551850040', '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') |
 +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 k\ÎúVÀàÿxû÷Ò                                              |
  +--------------------------------------------------------------+ 1
 row in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql> select
       -> '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561');

  | AES_DECRYPT(AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',
  '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') |

  | 551850040

1 row in set (0.07 sec)

  Are you reporting that you get NULL only in the context of inserting
 and retrieving the value from the id column?

  If so, please try using TINYBLOB rather than VARCHAR and see what

we are on 4.0.14 Herb

At 14:03 -0800 11/6/03, Herb Rubin wrote:

I am trying to use aes_encrypt and I get a NULL value with a
 specific string:

`id` = AES_ENCRYPT('551850040',

my field 'id' is VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL

If I change the value or the encryption string it works. But this
 combination turns out to be null and it refuses to insert.

>>>>> With MySQL 4.0.14, 4.0.16, and 4.1.1, I get:

mysql> select AES_ENCRYPT('551850040', '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561'); +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | AES_ENCRYPT('551850040', '0bf251c9aaf007deaf1143ca1492b561') | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
>>> k\ÎúVÀàÿxû÷Ò |

What version are you using?


>> >>Herb

 Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Are you MySQL certified?
So a char(16) binary would work fine as well?

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

I believe I indicated in my explanation that CHAR will not work.

I didn't indicate specifically that CHAR BINARY wouldn't work, but the
property that trailing spaces are trimmed at retrieval time is true
whether or not the column is binary.

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Are you MySQL certified?

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