Hi, i have the following query: 
SELECT person.name as Name, firmal.beskrivelse as Businessline, lokasjon.navn as 
firmal INNER JOIN (
person INNER JOIN lokasjon
ON person.lokid = lokasjon.lokid)
ON firmal.firmalid = person.firmalid

which will give me a list of Name, Businessline, Location. What i'm trying to do is to 
get a list which is grouped on Businessline and Location. Then i want to list a count 
of name at each location and businessline. How can i achieve this, if it's possible?
So it should be like this:
Businessline, Location, Sum people
A                  AA           10
A                  AB           30
B                  AA           5
B                  AB           27
B                  AC           90

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