The documentation for MyISAM states two features that I am trying to find
more information on.

1) Max Keys Per Table, according to the documentation, can be increased from
the default 32 / Table to 64 / Table without recompilation.  However, I am
unable to find how to do this anywhere.

2) Max Key Length is stated as being set to a default of 500, and can be
changed with recompilation.  I am assuming this is through changing the
"N_MAX_KEY_LENTH" value in the "nisam.h" source file and then recompiling,
correct?  However, according to that file, the default is 256 and can only
be increased to 500 according to the source code comments.

If anyone can please shed some light on either of these issues, I would
greatly appreciate it.  I noticed that several other people have posted
comments to the MyISAM documentation page, with no response, so this would
help resolve their issues as well.

Kind Regards,

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