Hi, everyone, As said in documentation, there is no need to build MySQL with -rdynamic: "If you want to use an UDF that needs to access symbols from mysqld (like the methaphone example in `sql/udf_example.cc' that uses default_charset_info), you must link the program with -rdynamic (see man dlopen). " I need a simple udf, to convert string from one format to another like "09:32:52.370 UTC Wed Nov 12 2003" into "2003-11-12 09:32:52". To let it insert into date field. Can I write such udf without using any "specific" symbols, that could compile in MySQL -with-mysql-ldflags=-all-static? I've written just simple udf without using anything and it realy does nothing (it is just function declarations and empty dunction bodies). I compiled it succesfully, and put "udf_test.so" into /usr/lib. But when I tried load it into MySQL using: > CREATE myudftest RETURNS STRING SONAME "udf_test.so"; the result was error 2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query. Can anyone help me in this situation? I dont want to recompile MySQL with -rdynamic because I need only one simple udf, but I need it. Ho to make this with staticaly compiled MySQL? Has anyone already made this?
Thanks, Best regards to all, Arunas -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]