* Elisenda
> The explain select says as follows:

I re-formatted the query and the EXPLAIN output for readability:

Select FASE.PR_Date_Visita_2, CE.CE_Centro, CE.CE_Domicilio, CE.CE_CP,
  CE.CE_Poblacion, CE.CE_Capital, CE.CE_PROV, CE.CE_CCAA,
  PP.PP_Contacto, PP.PP_Cargo,
  AU.AU_NIVEL='13.14' AND

table  type  key         key_len  ref                  rows
FASE   ref   Participa   12       const,const          1157
CA     ref   Centro      7        FASE.SQL_ID_CE          1
PP     ref   PP_ID       7        FASE.PR_PP_ID_Coord     1
CE     ref   Centro      7        CA.CA_ID_CE            10
AU     ref   AU_AULA     256      FASE.AU_PR_Aula       264

(I removed the possible_keys and Extra columns)

The first thing the EXPLAIN output tells us is in what order the server will
access the tables. In this case the FASE table is read first, then the CA
and PP tables are read based on the columns SQL_ID_CE and PR_PP_ID_Coord
from FASE (the 'ref' column), then the CE table is read based on the value
of CA.CA_ID_CE, and finally the AU table is read based on FASE.AU_PR_Aula.

The 'rows' column hows approximately how many rows the server will have to
read. It is a goal to make/keep these numbers low, I don't know if you did a
EXPLAIN before you created you indexes, in that case you will see that the
numbers in the 'rows' column was higher, possibly as high as the row count
of the respective tables. A way to calculate how 'heavy' a select query is,
is to multiply these numbers. In the case above, the multiplum is
1157*1*1*10*264 = 3054480. In other words, the server must examine
approximately 3 million rows to produce your result. (Note that this is an
estimate, based on statistics stored in the server. Running OPTIMIZE TABLE
will update these statistics, and this may also change the servers preferred

The 'ref' column for FASE says 'const,const'. This means the index used
(Participa) is a combined index used to match two constants, presumably the
SQL_ID_PY and PR_FLAG. Is the number 1157 close to correct?

> What I know is that I have 753 records which match FASE.PR_flag=1 and
> FASE.SQL_ID_PY=P081 and CA.CA_ID_Idioma_A=6 and my result is 253 records.

I don't understand... How many FASE records with PR_flag=1 and
SQL_ID_PY='P081'? You say when you join FASE and CA on those criteria you
get 253 rows, but you should get 753?

In general, if you get 'too few' rows on a multi-table join like the one you
are doing here, it could be because some of the tables you join to does not
have a corresponding row for the criteria. If that is the case, and you
still want those rows to show up in the result, you can use LEFT JOIN for
those tables.

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/JOIN.html >

> Does it have to be with my query? Or does it have to be with data
> in mysql, I mean I didnšt  insert them allright?

I don't know. Check each table separately, use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...
WHERE ... to check how many rows match any given criteria. Try to use the
output of EXPLAIN SELECT to manually do what the server will be doing, and
see if you get any unexpected results. Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to refresh the
index statistics.

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/OPTIMIZE_TABLE.html >

For further speed improvements: Your AU_AULA and CA.Centro indexes could be
replaced by combined indexes, (AU_AULA,AU_NIVEL) and
(CA_ID_CE,CA_ID_IDIOMA_A) respectively. Your column CA.CA_ID_IDIOMA_A is
defined as an integer, in your WHERE clause you should check for integer 6,
not string '6'. This also applies to FASE.PR_FLAG. The AU.AU_NIVEL column
was not mentioned in your previous table description, so I don't know if
it's numeric or a string. If it is numeric, you should not use quotes on the
constant. It will work, but the server must convert from string to integer,
this take some time, using a constant of a type matching the column type is


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