Hello All

    I can't run the pack_isam binary on Linux and HP-UX for mysql 4.0.15 version.
But it works fine for mysql 3.23.54a. 


Error on HP-UX (both 11.22 and 11.23) :

# pack_isam --join=/var/mysql/testdb/employee2 /var/mysql/testdb/employee 

Compressing /var/mysql/testdb/employee2.ISD: (6 records)
- Calculating statistics
Memory fault(coredump)


Error on Linux (Red hat 9):

# pack_isam --join=/var/mysql/testdb/employee2 /var/mysql/testdb/employee 

Compressing /var/mysql/testdb/employee2.ISD: (6 records)
- Calculating statistics
Segmentation fault


Where is the problem, is it in MySQL or on OS? Please help me to solve this problem.


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