Matt, thanks for your suggestions.

The index on content_id was for deletes. You're right...I could get rid of
the has not been useful.

To avoid making too many changes at once, I created a UNIQUE index on
stem_word_id and content_id. Now EXPLAIN says it's using the UNIQUE index,
but also:

Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort

I'm not sure if that's an improvement or not. I don't notice any speed

Searches can return any number of results, say a hundred or so on average.
I'm using LIMIT for 25 results at a time, but also SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to
know how many total results there are. Some queries can take 30 or more
seconds to run, average is maybe 10 seconds.

The reason I'm not using MySQL's fulltext: this project started on a 3.23.x
server where I had no control over the setup parameters (hosted system).
There are several important words used that are < 4 characters. So I went to
building my own index and using word stems (requested by the client). The
searches then ran fairly quickly (faster than now), so I'm sure some of this
has to do with the hardware/software configuration of that server, but I
don't know what it was. The project was then moved to a new server, the one
I described. I have contol over the MySQL parameters but I think the
hardware/software combo is not as powerful. I installed 4.0.16 and am trying
to get improve the performance of my existing stem-index search.

My word search on table B is also slow at times. I wonder if I should split
the word search query into separate queries to take advantage of caching. So
if one person searches "piano move" and the other "play piano" and someone
else "piano instruct" the results for "piano" would be cached.

So many variables to consider!

Thanks again for your input.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: Optimizing Custom Full Text Index

Hi Mike,

Those tables aren't that big for what you're doing (which is about how
I'd do it if I wasn't using built-in full-text :-)).

How many results are your searches returning? How long are the queries

The C table: Do you need the index on content_id? For deletes or
something? Doesn't really matter for speed, but you might as well dump
it if it's not used. What's the PRIMARY id there for? Just to have an id
column? :-) It looks like you can get rid of it. I'd make a composite
PRIMARY KEY on (stem_word_id, content_id). Otherwise make it UNIQUE if
you *need* the PRIMARY id. This will make EXPLAIN say "Using index" on C
for searches which will save a lot of random disk seeks to the data

Can I ask what the problems are with MySQL's built-in full-text search?
I know there's a few since I've encountered them too, but I have some
ideas to work around them. Unfortunately, one that would be hard to work
around is stemming (waiting for that to be implemented internally).
-( Or are you just doing stemming to save space in the index and not for

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