I've been running this query for quite some time that basically says:
SELECT  (A + B + C) - (X + Y + Z) AS Variance
FROM .....
Up until now, this has been working correctly and showing up as
anything from -100 to +100.  Now all of a sudden, it's showing up as
18446744073709551613 instead of -1, 18446744073709551614 instead of -2,
Now, A, B, C, X, Y & Z are all defined as "UNSIGNED" in the database
table.  But again, this WAS working as of MySQL 3.23, and we've been
running it for well over a year.  Now, on version 4.x, I started getting
the big numbers.
I can only assume that there is some sort of precedence thing that
changed.  Can anyone shed some light on this? Or maybe tell me what I
need to do differently to make this work now?

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