I have a table called 'Journal_Info' containing titles of various journals

When searching and listing them I want to remove any preceeding 'The ', 'An ', or 'A ' 
that occurs in the title and I also want to be able to search it.  The case statement 
as follows seems to work fine:

WHEN title LIKE  'The %' THEN RIGHT( title, length( title )  -4  ) 
WHEN title LIKE  'A %' THEN RIGHT( title, length( title )  -2  ) 
WHEN title LIKE  'An %' THEN RIGHT( title, length( title )  -3  ) 
ELSE title
END  AS modtitle
FROM Journal_Info

But if I try a WHERE clause using the columns AS title I get an error.

Can anyone help me figure out how to search the CASEed column?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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