I am in in the processing of laying out a database for a consulting firm. My
basic structure is like so:

placement_candidate (candidates listing)
        primary key = CandidateID
placement_primarytech (skills listing)
        primary key = PrimaryTechID

I have created an intended cross-reference table, placement_candidatetech,
which blends in these two tables, with a format like so:

      CandidateID  PositionsID  PrimaryTechID  Notes
      1 0 4
      1 0 7
      1 0 9
      1 0 13
      2 0 1
      2 0 4

I showed this to my boss who said, "I don't think we need that, we're going
to have thousands of users, that table will be huge." Granted, 1 user may
have 50 skills. Currently, as you see, only 2 users are in the database
(candidate 1 with 4 skills and candidate 2 with 2 skills).

Is there a more efficent way of handling this? Something else I should be
doing? I would have thought this would be a faster way of searching. Is
there another way of setting up this cross-reference table? I am no database

Eve Atley

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