
The long-awaited MySQL/InnoDB-4.1.1 has been released. It is still labeled
as alpha, because there are so many new features and bug fixes in it
compared to 4.1.0.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you upgrade to InnoDB-4.1.1, you cannot downgrade any
more! That is because earlier versions of InnoDB are not aware of multiple

The biggest change for InnoDB in 4.1.1 is that you can now store each table
and its indexes into its own file. This feature is called 'multiple
tablespaces', because then each table is stored into its own tablespace.

You can enable this feature by putting


in the [mysqld] section of my.cnf. Then InnoDB stores each table into its
own file


in the database directory where the table belongs. This is like MyISAM does,
but MyISAM divides the table to a data file tablename.MYD and the index file
tablename.MYI. For InnoDB, both the data and the indexes are in the .ibd

If you remove the line, then InnoDB creates tables in the ibdata files
again. The old tables you had in the ibdata files before an upgrade to 4.1.1
remain there, they are not converted into .ibd files.

InnoDB always needs the 'system tablespace', .ibd files are not enough. The
system tablespace consists of the familiar ibdata files. InnoDB puts there
its internal data dictionary and undo logs.

You CANNOT FREELY MOVE .ibd files around, like you can MyISAM tables. This
is because the table definition is stored in the InnoDB system tablespace,
and also because InnoDB must preserve the consistency of transaction id's
and log sequence numbers.

You can move an .ibd file and the associated table from a database to
another (within the same MySQL/InnoDB installation) with the familiar RENAME

RENAME TABLE olddatabasename.tablename TO newdatabasename.tablename;

If you have a 'clean' backup of an .ibd file taken from the SAME
MySQL/InnoDB installation, you can restore it to an InnoDB database with the

ALTER TABLE tablename DISCARD TABLESPACE; /* CAUTION: deletes the current
.ibd file! */
<put the backup .ibd file to the proper place>

'Clean' in this context means:

1) There are no uncommitted modifications by transactions in the .ibd file.
2) There are no unmerged insert buffer entries to the .ibd file.
3) Purge has removed all delete-marked index records from the .ibd file.
4) mysqld has flushed all modified pages of the .ibd file from the buffer
pool to the file.

You can make such a clean backup .ibd file with the following method.

1) Stop all activity from the mysqld server and commit all transactions.
2) Wait that SHOW INNODB STATUS\G shows that there are no active
transactions in the database, and the 'main thread' of InnoDB is 'Waiting
for server activity'. Then you can take a copy of the .ibd file.

Another (non-free) method to make such a clean .ibd file is to
1) Use InnoDB Hot Backup to backup the InnoDB installation.
2) Start a second mysqld server on the backup and let it clean up the .ibd

It is in the TODO to allow moving clean .ibd files also to another
MySQL/InnoDB installation. That requires resetting of trx id's and log
sequence numbers in the .ibd file.

The changelog for InnoDB:

* Multiple tablespaces now available for InnoDB. You can store each InnoDB
type table and its indexes into a separate .ibd file into a MySQL database
directory, into the same directory where the .frm file is stored.

* The MySQL query cache now works for InnoDB tables also if AUTOCOMMIT=0, or
the statements are enclosed inside BEGIN ... COMMIT.

* Reduced InnoDB memory consumption by a few MB, if one sets the buffer pool
size < 8 MB.

* You can use raw disk partitions also in Windows.

* This release contains all InnoDB bug fixes up to MySQL/InnoDB-4.0.16.

* Some non-critical known bugs not yet fixed in this release. The fixes will
probably come in 4.1.2.

* A new my.cnf option innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog did not yet make it to
4.1.1. It will remove next-key locking in most cases, at the risk of
breaking replication and binlog recovery in some cases. It is useful for
eliminating transaction deadlocks.

* A new InnoDB Hot Backup version 2.0 which supports multiple tablespaces in
4.1.1 is already ready, but the binaries not yet built.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM

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