Thanks a lot the clarification. This works for me with no exceptions.


Cersosimo, Steve wrote:

You need not select a table in MySQL as you do in Oracle.

Select 2 + 2;
Is valid in MySQL and should return 4.  It at least lets you know if
MySQL is functional.  By mysqladmin ping will do that too.

Steve Cersosimo
Bellsouth Internet Services
"When all is said and done, more is said than done"

-----Original Message-----
From: Srinivas B.S.S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 1:22 AM
To: Don Read
Subject: Re: In need of a dummy select statement ...

Thanks for the reply. It just have to be no-op and it need not necessarily be
a select statement. Any one of the options given by you will work for me
they are executable from a program written using MyODBC.


Don Read wrote:

On 08-Dec-2003 Srinivas B.S.S wrote:


I am a newbie to mysql db. I need a select statement which will just execute and doesn't
return any results. Also, it should not depend on any table which is specific to a database.
For example, Oracle has a table named 'tab' which will be present in


databases so my
dummy select statement looks like 'select tname from tab where 0=1'. Could this
functionality be achieved in mysql ? Is there any table in mysql which

is similar to Oracle's
'tab' ?

Does it have to be a SELECT? Or just a NO-OP?

SET @nothing=0;


DO 0;

- or -

SHOW TABLES LIKE 'asdfzxcv1234';


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