I have the same problem with cp1251 and, seems, it's a bug. I have posted
correspoding message two days ago. Without any reply  8(((
I migrate 3.23.55 -> 4.1.1 and I don't know about existing such problem in
Look in your <table>.frm - your field is in correct charset. More of,
inserts and updates of your tables are working correct (check it ;). The
problem, IMHO, is in 'show columns ...' implementation. For me, it's
critically (in my apps, I grab allowed values from table structure).

> Hi,
> I'm facing a problem with the new 4.1 branch.
> I've built MySQL from sources with default-language=hebrew and
> extra-languages=utf.
> I've also used default-collation=hebrew_general_ci.
> After installing, this is what I get for few of the variables:
> mysql> show variables like '%char%';
> +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+
> | Variable_name            | Value                                  |
> +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+
> | character_set_server     | hebrew                                 |
> | character_set_system     | utf8                                   |
> | character_set_database   | hebrew                                 |
> | character_set_client     | hebrew                                 |
> | character_set_connection | hebrew                                 |
> | character-sets-dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/charsets/ |
> | character_set_results    | hebrew                                 |
> +--------------------------+----------------------------------------+
> 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> show variables like '%coll%';
> +----------------------+-------------------+
> | Variable_name        | Value             |
> +----------------------+-------------------+
> | collation_connection | hebrew_general_ci |
> | collation_database   | hebrew_general_ci |
> | collation_server     | hebrew_general_ci |
> +----------------------+-------------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Sounds great, right?
> But when I try to work with databases, and their tables, that were
> from 4.0 with the new 4.1 server, I see question marks (???) for values in
> ENUM() field type. By the way, I noticed that default values for such
> (when having ``NOT NULL``) display perfectly in Hebrew. Explanation?
> Is there any specific ``upgrade procedure`` I should do to overcome this
> problem?
> Thanks in advance.
> Noor

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