I am trying to setup network having 
1) Linux main server running IPTABLES firewall, squid, dns server.
2) LAN connected to main server.
2) DMZ having apache, mysql and php, mail server connected to main server.
User will use php script from remote host to connect to mysql as follows:
MYSQL_CONNECT("localhost", "abc", "abc" ) OR DIE("Unable to connect to database");
@mysql_select_db("abc") or die("Unable to select database");
where local host will be dmz. 
Is it O.K. if I give all user give host as "localhost" in script?
Will it involve any security problem?
If so what is generally done in this type of case.
My reverse DNS does not point to my domain instead it point sto domain of Internet 
bandwidth service porvider.
Thanks for support.

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