Hi gang

as subject says ... I've got a pretty weird situation. For all users I create in the 'user' table in 'mysql' DB, if I set a password, that user becomes unable to access any DBs ... it doesn't matter if I set the pw as ASCII or password, still won't allow access...

I've tried making new users and copying all settings of the default root user (which I've not set a PW for cuz I loose access to the main DB when I do that) ... nomatter what, all users can access the DBs fine when no pw is set, but if a pw is set, MySQL reports "access denied"...

and yes, it actually also does this when using the MySQL command line tools which makes it even weirder...

This is a single-user test setup for development use only ... I run MySQL 4.0.14b on Windows XP Pro SP1 ... with Apache 2.0.48 and PHP 4.2.3 on CGI. Doesn't matter what kind of DB access I try; the MySQL binaries, PHPMyAdmin, custom made PHP/MySQL apps, or PHPBB ... if I set a PW for a user, that user becomes unable of accessing the DBs ...

I've tried opening up the firewall for the MySQL server modules to access the Internet, but does not make a change ... hostname is set to 'localhost' in the mysql table (since all it has to work with are connections from the same windows session anyways)...

is there any other place in the mysql table that I have to add/change stuff than 'user' to get this to work???

so lost here ... any help appreciated

(and as far as I can tell, I've done every step in all MySQL install guides I could find ... atm I'm running on a restored version of the default mysql DB with the % users set ... since the firewall locks out remote access, I didn't think it's a big deal)...

n00b at SQL


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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