I would like to set up two systems, a primary, and a backup, in
physically seperate locations. I want the backup to be synced with the
primary, and if the primary goes down, dns will resolve to the backup,
so it needs to be able to start processing transactions immediately.

I am new to MySQL, and to SQL in general, I *think* I can do the first
part (stay in sync with the primary) by making the backup a slave, and
replicating the DB on a constant basis. But will the slave DB happily
start accepting transactions when stuff starts coming in from the
webserver? or do I have to do something to allow that in MySQL?

As an aside, a recommendation on good beginner and intermediate level
MySQL books would be appreciated. I want to RTFM, but I want to make
sure it *is* the Fine manual :)

Oh, and seasons greetings to all, yes I'm working on Christmas, it's a
startup, what can I say...

Jim Richardson     http://www.eskimo.com/~warlock
Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff are made of.

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