Andres Montiel wrote:
I asked before regarding the supposed 100 million row limit of MySQL. The
said information was given to me by my colleague who has been using MSSQL
to develop applications. After asking him where he got the info., he gave
the follwoing URL:

At the bottom of the article it quotes something from the MySQL
"MySQL Server was designed from the start to work with medium size
databases (10-100 million rows, or about 100 MB per table) on small
computer systems."
The same quote can be seen in the MySQL Manual at However, replies to my
previous email here on this list state that a number of databases have
more than 100 millior rows. Also, states that MySQL can indeed
go beyond 100 million rows.

I'm confused. Why would the documentation discuss the 100 million row
limit if, apparently, MySQL can indeed go beyond this limit? Also, is
going beyond the 100 million row limit documented (aside from

- Andres

Read it again. The documentation you point to at <> does not discuss a row limit. It says, "MySQL Server was designed from the start to work with medium size databases (10-100 million rows, or about 100 MB per table) on small computer systems. We will continue to extend MySQL Server to work even better with terabyte-size databases..." There is no mention of a limit. Instead, I believe this is a statement about design philosophy. MySQL works well for medium size dbs on small systems. It also works well for large dbs on medium and large systems. This sets it apart from some other dbs which don't work so well on small systems.

There is no need to document exceeding a limit which isn't there. On the contrary, the manual makes it clear that table size is currently limited, in practice, by your OS/filesystem, as stated on the last page you reference, <>.

The article you reference appears to be trying to be objective, but I think still has a slant. I think this slant leads you to misinterpret the MySQL quote, taken out of context, to mean there's a row limit, or at least that MySQL can't handle large dbs. After all, the author left out the mention of terabyte size dbs in the very next sentence in the manual, nor did he mention anything from the "How Big MySQL Tables Can Be" section of the manual.


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