Hi All,

i have a problem everytime i call the function mysql_close(),
it result in Access Violation Error in module libmysql.dll

im migrating from 3.23.52 to 4.0.x
server runs under linux,
im accesing the server through windows based application
built with delphi, using Object Pascal translation from C API (by Jorge del Conde)
with the library i took from mysql directory

the flow is similiar like this:

some proccess
mysql_close(@myconnection); <-- this is where the error raised

i slip in mysql_init before mysql_close, and the problem disappear..

some proccess
mysql_close(@myconnection); <-- this is where the error raised

is this normal??
is this how it should be? i've red the manual, and there is none mentioning that i 
have to do init before cloaing one.

thanks for any comment

Leonardus Setiabudi
IT Project Coordinator
PT Bina San Prima, www.binasanprima.com

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