Have you tried to execute this statement manually thru their PHPAdmin?

Have you checked the case of your SQL?

I recently migrated a bunch of PHP/MySQL code from a Linux to Windows
then back to Linux and some of my SQL did not work because the case of
the table names had been converted to part upper/lower, or all upper,

I'd double check all your case to ensure everything is identical.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Boshier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: How Do I Do This In Version 3.23.56?

I have spent all day working on a PHP/MySQL system offline using MySQL
version 4.0.15-nt. One particular SQL statement that works perfectly
wouldn't work when I uploaded it to my web site. It seems that my ISP is
using version 3.23.56, and I have written a SQL statement that will only
work on 4.04 or later.

Can someone suggest how I can rewrite the following to work on the old
version please?

UPDATE contacts, working SET contacts.lastactivity = working.date  WHERE
contacts.rcd = working.rcd

I have asked my ISP if they have plans to upgrade, but need to get this
system working urgently.


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