Hi all

I have a MySQL installation running on a Pentium3 based system with 2GB RAM... The 
database primarily uses MyISAM tables with 60% SELECT statements. The database is used 
as a backend for a PHP web application.

Do the following values make any sense?
set-variable    = key_buffer=200M
set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable    = table_cache=256
set-variable    = sort_buffer=12
set-variable    = net_buffer_length=8K
set-variable    = myisam_sort_buffer_size=10M
set-variable    = join_buffer_size=8M
set-variable    = record_buffer=5M
set-variable    = long_query_time=4
set-variable    = query_cache_limit=2M
set-variable    = query_cache_size=50M
set-variable    = query_cache_type=2
set-variable    = max_connections=200

Is there a way to see if the key buffer size was ever reached? The SHOW STATUS says 
the following about the Keys:
    Key blocks used   125400  
    Key read requests   3518220013  
    Key reads   94807  
    Key write requests   17079943  
    Key writes   8323850 

It's interesting to see, that SHOW STATUS shows a lot of generated temporary tables:
    Created tmp disk tables   28814  
    Created tmp tables   716581  
    Created tmp files   506757  

Are these values too high?

Thanks a lot for your help

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