Thanks in advance for any help.

I'm using mysqldump to create snapshots of slave database servers.
I am upgrading from 4.0.14 on Redhat 8 to 4.0.17 Fedora Core 2.
I have a pair of 4.0.14 boxes MNR6 master --> MNR7 slave.
I have a pair of 4.0.17 boxes MNRC master --> MNRD slave.

In moving to the new boxes I have set up this replication sequence:


I am using this command to make backups at the slaves:

mysqldump -A -Q --opt --user=xxxxxxxxxx --password=xxxxxxxxxx | gzip > 
  /mnt/drive-u/MySQL-Backups/`date -I`.mnrd-backup.sql.gz

This is done in a script once per day on the slave of a pair.
/mnt/drive-u is a samba file link to a central server for backups.

When I run this script on MNR7 it runs flawlessly.

When I run this script on MNRD I get the following error:

mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when
dumping table `RuleHistogram` at row: 13154861

RuleHistogram is in the largest InnoDB table.

The configuration of MNR6 and MNR7 is underpowered for the application,
but it works. One 2.4GHz P4, 1 GB Ram, 2IDE HD in raid 1.

MNRC and MNRD were built for the application and have much better
hardware: Two 2.4GHz XEON, 4GB Ram, 4 SATA Drives Raid 10 via 3Ware

MNRC and MNRD respond nicely to queries and show no signs of trouble
except for the above.

My Question: Why would the more powerful servers with the more advanced
software stall during a mysqldump operation when the less powerful
survers successfully perform an identical operation on identical data
without a hitch?

What can I do to solve this problem with mysqldump?

(BTW: I just sat through another failure - watching top, mysqld goes to
idle along with mysqldump... they wait a few seconds in this condition,
then the error occurs and the script stops. The mysql server remains
responsive to queries before and after the operation. No errors are
reported in the .err file.)

Thanks again in advance!


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster,
VOX: 703-406-2016
FAX: 703-406-2017

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