You can use navicat-pro tool (free ware) to repair
the corrupted MYD files, I was repaired with the same


miguel solorzano wrote:

At 19:04 6/1/2004 +0000, Mike Brickman wrote:

If you are able for to build myisamchk from the 4.1 bk tree
it will permit you to set a max row length for to skip them
and continue the recovery.


I have a client who has managed to corrupt an MYD table so that it can
not be repaired.  I have tried:

Myisamchk -re {table}

And this crashes out with:

myisamchk: error: Not enough memory for blob at 3960 (need 1090519040)

and then quits.

There is no complete backup of this file so I would like to recover as
much data as possible.

1)       Are there any tools which will allow me to salvage some data?
2)       Why does myisamchk not fix the problem?
3)       Are the internal structures of MYD files documented anywhere
(url please)?
4)       What exactly does the error mean?

Any help or clues will be appreciated.

Mike Brickman
Radical Solutions


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