Can Anyone please tell me why I am not able to get the Load Down and the
site Load Faster.The server load is always above 5.00

Thanks in Advance.


Try the following changes:

Apache: Turn KeepAlives off + increase your MaxRequestsPerChild. Apache is probably spending too much time recreating httpd processes. (I presume Apache & MySQL are running on the same box). Also are your using mysql_connect() or pconnects?

MySQL: Try increasing your table cache. Does your thread cache need to be that high? Maybe you should increase the thread concurrency first. According to the my.cnf, you can increase this based on the amount of CPUs, you start off by setting it to 24-32?

Your max_connections settings is high and that will take up a fair amount of file descriptors. I suspect your table cache isn't big enough (try 2048 as a starting point, see for more info)

(Not intending to hijack this thread), but I'm going through a similar issue with my Dual Xeon, 6GB RAM and RAID5 SCSI, but I'm running out of file-descriptors and max_connections=520

I hope my suggestions are useful and it'll be interesting to see whether they help...

KeepAlive Off
MaxRequestsPerChild 9000

table_cache = 2048
thread_cache_size = 256
thread_concurrency= 32

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