At 9:57 +0900 1/8/04, Dave G wrote:
MySQL Gurus,
        Because of time zone differences between my web site's intended
audience (Japan) and my server's location (Nevada), I've found that it's
most efficient, or at least most simple, to do all my time calculations
in PHP.
        Up to now, I've still been storing all my dates in native MySQL
time formats - like DATETIME. However, this requires a bit of format
conversion between PHP and MySQL.
        What I'm thinking now is that it might just be easier for me to
store the date as a UNIX timestamp format in MySQL as a simple ten digit
long integer (Unix timestamps are ten digits, aren't they?). That way I

No, they're fourteen digits: CCYYMMDDhhmmss

can pass them to and from PHP and do all the work on the PHP side
without having to do any format conversions in my SELECT and INSERT
        Is this a horribly bad idea for any reason? Is the INTEGER
format the best suited for this purpose? Any tips would be greatly

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004

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