
SELECT ID, companyName, streetName, houseNo, postalCode, city, firstName, 
lastName, debNo, houseNoExt , MATCH (companyName, streetName, city, 
postalCode, lastName, firstName) AGAINST ('Mark -Nijmegen' IN BOOLEAN MODE) 
AS score 
FROM Customer 
WHERE MATCH (companyName, streetName, city, postalCode, lastName, firstName) 

The only thing I changed is '-Nijmegen' in stead of '-Heesch'. Both values 
are in the 'city' column of the table. '-Nijmegen' give's a resultset but the 
result still contains value's with 'Nijmegen'. If I use '-Heesch' the 
resultset doesn't have results containing 'Heesch'.

Strange huh?

Egor Egorov wrote:
> Mark van Herpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've having some strange problems with a fulltext search in boolean mode.
> > The '-' operator doesn't seems to work correctly. First let me show you
> > my query:
> >
> > SELECT ID, companyName, streetName, houseNo, postalCode, city, firstName,
> > lastName, debNo, houseNoExt , MATCH (companyName, streetName, city,
> > postalCode, lastName, firstName) AGAINST ('Mark -Heesch' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
> > AS score
> > FROM Customer
> > WHERE MATCH (companyName, streetName, city, postalCode, lastName,
> > firstName) AGAINST ('Mark -Heesch' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
> > ORDER BY score DESC
> >
> > This returns al the records containing 'Mark' in the fulltext index
> > without 'heesch' in the index. This works correctly, but when I use some
> > other values in stead of 'Heesch' the resultset still contains records
> > with that value. This also happens with other fields and other value's.
> > With some value's it works correctly, with others it doesn't. How is this
> > possible?
> >
> > I'm using MySQL 4.0.17 on a redhat linux machine, MySQL is standard
> > configured.
> Could you provide query that gives you wrong result?

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