I had the same problem, just don't know what is wrong with the red hat
ssl packages.  I did this:

1.- download a fresh copy of openssl, configure with
--prefix=/opt/OpenSSL, compile and install, everything will go to
/optOpenSSL, so, the new version won't conflict with the red hat's
2.- compile mysql with:
I like to keep control with what i compile and install, it is quite hard
to find whats installed with "MAKE INSTALL" under /usr, changing the
default prefix is somehow easier to manage, every thing will go to /opt

This is how i did it, I have copies of 4.0, 4.1 and 5 running on the
same machine like this

Hope this helps!

Best Regards from venezuela


 |____  _____ ____   _    |Victor Medina M                   |
 |\ \ \| ____|  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL              |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
 |/_/_/|_____|_| /_/   \_\|ext. 325                          |
 |                        |geek by nature - linux by choice  |

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