Andrew DeFaria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victoria Reznichenko wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> As you can see I when I delete from user (the parent table) the 
>>> useropts (child table) entry remains. Shouldn't it be deleted?
>>> Heikki Tuuri asked me to look at my innodb variables and I found:
>>> mysql> show variables like "%innodb%";
>>> +---------------+-------+
>>> | Variable_name | Value |
>>> +---------------+-------+
>>> | have_innodb   | NO    |
>>> +---------------+-------+
>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>> But I still must ask: Why is that? How do I turn it on?
>> Do you use 3.23.xx version?
> I'm using 4.0.10-gamma as mysql monitor indicates. Also:
> $ mysqld --version
> mysqld  Ver 4.0.10-gamma for mandrake-linux-gnu on i586
>> You should install MySQL-Max binary if you want to use InnoDB:
> This doesn't apply as MySQL version is 4.0.10.
> Any other ideas?

Your MySQL server is configured without support for InnoDB tables.

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