ASP and VB

I have created a search web page searching a MySQL table with the following code:

CREATE TABLE tbl_allarticles (
fld_ID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
fld_category tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
fld_updateddate timestamp(8) NOT NULL,
fld_createddate timestamp(8) NOT NULL,
fld_mainstory char(1) NOT NULL default '',
fld_reldate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
fld_headline varchar(255) default NULL,
fld_summary text,
fld_body mediumtext,
fld_displayname tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
fld_show tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY fld_category (fld_category,fld_updateddate,fld_createddate,fld_mainstory,fld_reldate, fld_headline,fld_displayname,fld_show),
FULLTEXT KEY fld_body (fld_body),
FULLTEXT KEY fld_summary (fld_summary)

FROM tbl_allarticles
WHERE fld_headline OR fld_summary OR fld_body LIKE '%userinput%' AND fld_show = 1

with the variable of:

userinput ' Request("qstextfield")

'qstextfield' is the name of the text area in which the user inputs their search criteria. It is working fine as a search but it seems only to be looking in one field, that being fld_body. I have done exact searches to match content in fld_headline and I am getting zero results. I have also tried AND instead of OR in the sql, but that returned no results on any search...

I suspect it is something to do with KEY, I created the table with MySQL-Front and expected it to create INDEX's, but it has created KEY, something I have never come across before.

Any help in how I might make this work will be appreciated, thanks.


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