Annie Law wrote:
> Hi,
> I would appreciate any help on the following. I have searched the mailing list for 
> information But have not come up with a solution for my situation which has been 
> frustrating. I think I need some things need to be clarified.
> The OS that is running is RedHat V.9.0 linux. MySQL was installed when RedHat V.9.0 
> was installed. Here are the packages that that I have installed

There should be a startup/stop script for mysql in /etc/init.d/ . Try
"/etc/init.d/mysql stop"

After that, check for mysql with "ps -eaf |grep -i mysq" . If you find a
process running, try to kill it with "kill -15 pid". You may have to use
"kill -9 pid" if the processes wont go away with -15. You should be able
to start mysql using "/etc/init.d/mysql start". Once the server is
running, su to the mysql user and you should be able to log in to the
database using "mysql".


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