* Juan Nin
> I want to get amount of disk space used by certain rows on disk,
> not a whole table, but only some rows. Is this possible?

How accurate does it have to be? On the byte? On the K?

> For example I got a table like:
> CREATE TABLE `categories` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   `parent_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `name_parent` (`name`,`parent_category_id`)
> and I want to know the amount of disk space that is used by the
> rows returned by certain query like:
> SELECT * FROM categories WHERE name LIKE 'a%';

Because your record consists of two integers and a variable length string
and the table type is MyISAM, the record length is afaik
3+1+1+4+4+length(name). This query should give you the number of bytes
occupied by these rows in the MYD file:

SELECT SUM(3+1+1+4+4+length(name))
  FROM categories
  WHERE name LIKE 'a%';

There is a 6 byte extra penalty for a row if the name has grown, i.e. been
UPDATEd from the original inserted value to a _longer_ string value...

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Dynamic_format.html >

In addition there is the index... I don't know how to calculate the size of
index entries in the MYI file. The integer primary key is probably easy to
calculate, but the variable length name_parent index? Maybe you could use a
factor based on the total MYD size compared to the total MYI size?

> and I got tables with files stored in BLOBs...

Do you want to know the size of the blobs matching some WHERE clause without
actually selecting them, or even selecting LENGTH(blob)? I don't think that
can be done. But there is hopefully no index on the blob, so getting the
size using LENGTH() should work:

SELECT file,LENGTH(file) AS filesize
  FROM files
  WHERE name = 'config.sys'


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