From: "Mike Mapsnac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The slave server stop working today and I looked to the error
> log and the the error message is

> Error: 1062 Duplicate Entry '252' for key 1


> And than it shows the query and time when it happens. My
> question is why no error messages on master server just on
> slave server?

Obviously the query the master did not cause an error.

> As I understand , all queries run on master server and than
> on slave server. Both servers mysql 4.1 (Red Hat). Why the
> problem exist on slave server only?

The replication mechanism is currently only one way: from master to slave.
So if someone has performed an insert on the slave instead of the master
then this could explain why the insert on the master succeeded and the
insert on the slave failed.

Give the users on the slave databases the appropriate rights (no insert,
delete, create, etc.) to prevent this.

Regards, Jigal.

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