I am having a problem with a query that joins the following tables. I want
to create a query that would tell me how many Manhours have been alloted for
a particular
project (32) by category and how many hours (from the Tasks table) have
actually been used for this project and category.

The data tables look like this:

 mid    | ProjectId |ChargeNum  | Catid         | Hours         | EmployeeId

  1     | 32    |111111         | 19            | 80            |200020 
  2     | 32            |111111         | 19            | 24

TaskID  |ChargeNum  |Catid      |EmployeeId             |Hours  
    1   |111111         |19             |200020                 |8 
    2   |111111         |19             |200020                 |8 
    5   |111111         |19             |200003                 |12 

By looking at the Manhours table I can tell that for ProjectId 32 I have 104
(80+24) hours alloted for Catid 19
By looking at the Tasks table I can tell that 36 hours (8 + 8 + 8 + 12) have
been used on this project (same ChargeNum as Manhours table)
and Catid 19

I would like to creat a query that would give me the following results

Catid   |allotedhours   |usedHours  
19      |104                    |28 

I have tried joining the tables in a variety of ways but I am still not
getting the correct results. I seem to have some problems with the hours
alloted calculating correctly.



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