
I hope someone can point us in the right direction.

We have built up a database of over 2 million part numbers applicable to the 
horticultural machinery trade.

This is held on our website in a MySQL database and subscribers can do all sorts of 
searches by manufacturer or part number or description, whatever. It all works well 
having used Dreamweaver to generate the various web pages.

We now want to allow them to download a tab delimited text file for importing into 
their own standard spreadsheets and databases (unlikely to be MySQL).

We are struggling with this as there don't appear to be any Macromedia Extensions 
which will allow us to do this within DreamWeaver.

Will we have to use PHP in order to achieve this task? PHPAdmin allows us to do the 
above but we don't want our subscribers to use PHPAdmin, we want them to just click 
buttons on a web page.

Any comments anyone?

Thanks and regards,

Bernard Norrie
Catalist Solutions Ltd.

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